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Recovery Webinar: Mastering Resource Management
February 19 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Date: Wednesday, February 19th
Time: 1pm
Location: Online (ZOOM Webinar)
Peer Recovery Coaches wear many hats — one of the most important is that of a Resource Broker. Helping people on their recovery journey means having the right resources at the right time. But with so many options and ways to access them, it can be overwhelming to know where to start.
This interactive webinar is designed to help Peer Recovery Coaches organize and maximize their resource networks for better client support.
Learning Objectives:
✅ Find essential resources in your community
✅ Organize and manage resources for easy access
✅ Network to update and share resource lists
✅ Build and maintain a comprehensive resource library
Don’t miss this opportunity to sharpen your skills and better serve the recovery community!