• The role and function of a Peer Recovery Coach
  • Education and training of coaches
  • Confidentiality
  • Eligibility for requesting a coach
  • Parameters of Coach/Recoveree relationship
  • Recovery advocacy and recovery pathways

  Multiple Pathway Workshop

Multiple Pathway Training

Members of the NMSAS Advocacy Team are able to deliver, with audio-visual equipment, a variety of topics regarding Addiction/Recovery.  Presentations are free and are tailored to meet the needs of the audience and delivered in a time frame appropriate for the venue. Topics range from advocacy issues, stigma awareness and harm reduction, and human service referral networks.

Multiple Pathway Presentations

Presentation has 2 versions that run 90 minutes in length
Peer Recovery Support Services Presentation 
is approximately 45 minutes in length and describes: 
  • Designed for individuals seeking or in recovery
  • Brief overview of Peer Recovery Supports and Recovery Coach Services
  • Overview of Multiple Recovery Pathways
  • Description of various mutual aid groups
  • Instructions for starting mutual aid groups
  • Designed for professionals and agency staff
  • Emphasis on Human Referral Service Network and how they can help improve outcomes. 
  • Overview of Multiple Recovery Pathways
  • Description of various mutual aid groups
  •  Instructions for starting mutual aid groups